Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Doing more than building...
You can find MOCs at the most unusual places...
One thing I do in my off time once a year is judge the LEGO models at the North Carolina State Fair. Most of the time, there are a variety of MOCs built by kids (there are two age categories and no adult category) and the ever-present entry of a set that is being submitted as a MOC.
This year, there was a MOC that was outstanding. Built by a teenager, this has a lot of nice work - the flowers are dogwood, and the butterfly is a swallowtail.
progress reports....
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
They actually DON'T have knees!
Monday, October 13, 2008
LI II by Bryce McGlone
This sculpture is the cover to Issue 3 of BrickJournal and was at Brickcon, where it won an award. thanks to some bright lighting and a little overexposure to the camera, the detail is a little easier to see. This sculpture stands about 4 foot tall..
Almost minifig scale Seattle Space Needle
Seen at Brickcon - this is 8-9 feet tall, and has a lighting system and working elevators!
New digs...
Since I'm here, here's some quick updates on BrickJournal stuff:
I'm workng on the second compenduim, which will have Issue 4 and 5. This will be another a big book, like the first compendium. these are theonline issues, so Issue 4 is about LDraw and Issue 5 is the BIG issue. So what does this entail? Well, it's amatter of checking all the photos to see they are print ready, dropping all pages on one file (InDesign doesn't merge files), renumbering, and reworking the contents. then there's writing an intro and finding a person to write a foreward....
Issue 4 is being worked on too - stories are coming in and production is getting online. It's a frantic but fun time for me (haven't done a compendium and a mag at the same time, so I will have some all-niters...more than usual).
Before this, I was at Brickcon - a fun, but exhausting time! Exhausting because I talked all night with some great people. Every convention is a chance to meet up with new friends and old, so it's long hours....
Brickcon is the most relaxed convention out of the US conventions - even with all the public attendees this year. Over 7000 people came to see the displays over the two public hours. For the attendees, the keynote was a peek at how sets are designed at the LEGO Group, which was really informative.
Pics coming....