Orlando, Florida was the place to go in early November to go see the Festival of the Masters. I was there to display some Disney-related models andd also to hang around Walt Disney World. I have been a Disney fan since before my Dark Ages and so this is one of the must-do things on my annual calendar. It's also a good time to meet the Greater Florida LEGO Users Group and relax for a bit. The members are a great group, and this is their big event.
This year they also started a new thing: boat races. LEGO boat races, of course. There is a standard that was decuded, and they all met at a pool and competed. I acutally wasn't atthis event because I was at Epcot, but I kinda wished I was there, as there were some great stories and boats!
After that, I had a week, then I got 'the invite'... for a celebration at LEGO Headquarters. And that's where I have been for the past few days. I'll post a story at BrickJournal.com soon about this - it was really neat!
Now it's back to the airport.....