Monday, November 5, 2007

The word is getting out....

BrickJournal has been noticed by some different places - not the usual LEGO-oriented sites. This is the result of having the publisher work on the marketing.

I'm very happy with this - part of BrickJournal has been being unconventional. To be an outreach, the magazine has to reach out. And there are a few things that care not noticed by the AFOL community that others notice. Like this notice.

I have a degree in Environmental Design, with a core study in Industrial Design, so it's a really nice compliment for BrickJournal to be called a "slick" magazine. Especially since my grades were not that good at all at  Design School.

There's also another note over here.

And this came from a press release from the publisher. Did I prod him to do this? No. Did I push for anything? No.

I let him do what he does best. And that has been the key to BrickJournal's success. I set goals and let people loose to reach them. I haven't been disappointed with what I have gotten with that approach.

Speaking of which, some articles are coming in....things are naturally going up a notch.

I'm pretty happy.

Oh yes, for those wondering: The magazine starting out will be 80 pages plus cover. Once we get some advertising, page counts can go higher.

And there appears to be a ship date: February 19, 2008.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Finding out some things...

BrickJournal will be selling compendiums of back issues 1- 9 next year. Since they will be books, the compendiums will have a little more accessibilty internationally.

Also, BrickJournal has distribution set up with Diamond Comics Distributors. If you buy comics, you probably know who these people are. In the US and Canada, they are big. DCD also has a catalog (Previews) to order that it sells - and BrickJournal will be listed in the December issue with TwoMorrow's other publications. You can order it at a comic shop and not worry about shipping!

Diamond also distributes overseas, but I do not know what countries it specifically ships to (Europe, Asia are mentioned). I guess the best idea ids to visityour local comic shop and see if they carry Previews magazine. If they do, you can get the Journal.

also is going to distributed by Ingram Periodicals, which works with the big booksellers, like Barnes and Noble.

Am working on other international distribution channels. More info as I get it.