Friday was an important day because I actually had something to do. With Brickworld, I did a couple of things under the hood, so to speak (most notably the event program), so I was actually quite the relaxed person at the convention.
My task for the day was a BrickJournal presentation set for 11 am. And as usual, I had very little preparation. Things usually happen like this:
Two weeks before deadline: - I think about some ides and a presentation with slides....and then forget about it.
One week before deadline: I remember about my ideas and start thinking again about it...and then forget again.
One day before deadline, in the car: I remember again and think about doing something on my laptop...and promptly fall asleep.
Apparently, I don't like to plan presentations. I like the town square meeting, where I get to talk and field questions. I also like to take suggestions. So I usually write some really quick notes, then throw them away before I start. I know more than anyone about the subject, so I really am not afraid of the questions.
But before the presentation, I had to findthe meeting room. I found it easy enough with Mel, the European Bureau person with me. WE went to the presentation before mine: the Art of the Brick, with Adam Tucker, Royy Cook and Felx Greco. WHile this was meantto be a discussion of how Adam built his skyscrapers, this quickly became a discussion on art...which was something my brainwasn't quite ready for at that hour. And I was hungry, so Mel and I cut out to eat breakfast before my presentation.
So how was it? It was pretty good. I got soe nice feedback from the LEGO Group and teh people who attended. Many people are curious about the hardcopy date (which I am planning for winter - issue 10) and others were just curious to see what I was planning...
I did lunch with Sean Kenney, Certified LEGO Professional. He's a great guy and has offered to help BrickJournal on a number of occasions. We chatted about getting the CPs in BrickJournal more and also some other ways that BrickJournal can help out the community.
After that, it was a lot of wandering and pictures! In fact, I was called upon to take pics at teh opening ceremony and also to do a crowd picture....but more on that in a bit. I was supposed to take a pic outside of all the attendees.
My dinner was a Black Plate Sponsor dinner, so I was with Tommythe Brick Engraver, Brick Forge,LEGO, and Greg Hyland as well as the organizers. That was pretty nice. However, I noticed that it was dark outside earlier than I expected. It was overcast, os I wondered about that and asked about the picture. Plans were quickly changed to the next day.
Besides, there was teh LEGO Store shopping event later this night...and I had to take pics of that!
I got to the store and was allowed in early to take pics....the line was LONG! And once the doors opened, it was a a trickle that quickly became a flood...and there were people everywhere and the constant noise of plates and bricks being taken and thrown in tubs and cups. Sets were being bought by multiples and the lines were long and slow. But no one complained. In fact no one got upset at was all fun.
Me? I didn't buy anything at all...I reached the point long ago where I cannot buy anymore until I build something.
And after that I got back to the hotel, took some more pics and called it a 3 am.