Friday, February 2, 2007

And away we go!

So the setup fo display started - and I'm not the coordinator. YAY! This is good because I am already busy, and also because I don't necessarily want to be the only one for coordinating. It's nice to be able to be some one to bring things in instead of lead every so often.

The event site is a planetarium that is part of a state college, so it's a little interestingto come in, because you have to get ing the lot and then have to find a space - this is easy, but usually the good spaces are already taken. It's no different this year for me, so I am parked far away.

Bythe time I getthere, there are already members of our club in and starting to lay out their models.

That's Sabrina and Signe - Sabrina is Signe's daughter. And that's a Star Wars collection. And it's not all there - more is coming!

This Cyndi's pile of very organized stuff for her layout. She is presenting a castle layout that is very impressive (you'll see a couple of pix in a moment)

There's David and Joe Evangelista (or Joe Cool) - they are building stuff, as we all do - I spent the time building a crane. Joe and I are working on a construction site and a heliport so I can show these:

And who led the event?

that would be Carin. She and her sister were building and settingthings up, like this:

a nice retro layout.

Here's some other pictures too:

those are the Batman comics,incidentally!

part of Cyndi's layout...a really small part:-)

But the neatest part was when Cyndi started adding trees and foliage - she ended up teaching the Planetarium volunteer to tree build, and they were really enjoying the building!

It's moments like this that make me really happy about our hobby - when we cah reach out by intention or accident.

But I gotta get to my task - I gotta build some NXT items! Thanks, Philo, for sending me instructions!!

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